Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lost and Found


 Hi everyone! Happy New Year!!

 Today's topic is short and sweet. You see, I’ve developed a little habit of running away lately.

My humans are NOT impressed. I find the best time to take off is in blizzard conditions. 

This makes it especially hard to find me because I blend right in. I’m a master at camouflage.

We did a little digging, figuratively #lame, and wanted to talk about how helpful tags actually are in recovering a lost pet.

According to ASPCA 
”Forty-nine percent of dog guardians found their dog by searching the neighborhood, and 15 percent of the dogs were recovered because they were wearing an ID tag or had a micro-chip;”

We decided if it helps at. all. then we need it as a precaution. 

So Let’s talk accessories! 

Well…sort of. We’re talking ID tags specifically. You see, my girl human has an obsession about me wearing my tags NO MATTER WHAT! My other human doesn’t see the big deal. We live in the country after all and I have a micro-chip sheesh. Well today while taking some photos of me (because why not) she got to wondering about the personalization of ID tags.

My human spent TONS of time picking the perfect tags for us.

My feisty sister has this tag
This one is mine
So we want to know what are your safety precautions and do your ID tags express your personality? We can't wait to hear from you!