Friday, July 15, 2016

Big News

A message from Gracie_the_bichon:

Happy Friday Friends!

Do you ever look at the calendar and realize it’s Friday when you thought it was only Thursday? Neither do I. I feel like most people know when Friday is going to arrive; perhaps it’s just our human that was caught by surprise at midnight. I digress. Let’s update you on some fun news!

Wait for it…..

Wait for it….

Please welcome Willow as the newest addition to the Knight Pack!!

Look at those floppy ears!


She’s a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. The breed my humans have been doing rescue and foster work with for many years. Dad surprised us for their anniversary. Apparently I’m only getting older and potentially grumpier, so they better get a puppy now and hopefully we’ll be friends? Lol we’ll see about that.

Willow Bean, as my girl human refers to her, is literally the worst. If any of you are Hamilton fans think of her as Aaron Burr and I’m Alexander Hamilton. Sometimes we’re sort of friends, more like mildly tolerating each other really. Most of the time we wish the other would find somewhere else to live.

The humans all seem to adore her.  Awesome, Wow! (heavy sarcasm)  Anyway, there you have it, our exciting announcement.

This is what happens when I pretend she doesn't exist.

Disclaimer: We’ve had her a while now, but I haven’t allowed the announcement because I was hoping the humans would change their mind and take her back or something.  She is now 4months old and it looks like she’ll be staying indefinitely. Sigh. 

So I guess in the coming weeks we’ll show you some of the adventures she’s been on since we acquired her.

 Stay tuned. Also, we’ll be hearing more about Tucker and some other friend journeys in the coming weeks. Thanks for reading.

Happy Friday!

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